As I write this, I have a slight irritation in my own nose and I fear the chilly wind might have gotten the best of me too. It is a feature of this season. Freezing winds, runny noses, whooping coughs, and a lot of tissues are added to our daily word usage. All the while we are left with watery eyes and soaring temper as we deal with all of our left over work. This is the cold season folks, and it is in many ways one of the most bothersome seasons you can be exposed to.

  • Dress warmly

    So because we come off the summer lifestyle and get adjusted to the fall, the sudden chilly winter winds are the ones we often end up being exposed to. The dress warmly aspect cannot be stated enough. Children need to be kept warm properly. Have your kids wear turtlenecks beneath their shirts or jerseys when they are going out. Over the gradual decrease of the temperature, these clothes are not that warm to wear and still protect kids from the chilly winds. Taking special care to protect the throats when the cold intensifies is also important as overexposure can otherwise lead to whooping coughs.

  • Adjust your diet

    Your diet can also be a very productive means of ensuring your health when the season changes. In fact, it can even give a huge boost to your immune system and body as you go through the freezing season. The common items such as hot chocolates are obviously a good item to look at; however people underestimate the good effect which fruits can have upon your body. Oranges for instance are packed with vitamins and can help your body combat and prevent a lot of diseases such as scurvy and the cold. It is definitely a healthier choice to pick than junk food. But unfortunately we end up eating more during the winters so try to focus on adjusting your diet. Another top, try not to overdo it on the coffee!

  • Seek medical attention

    Finally, never underestimate the advice from a good medical consultant once you have been infected by the cold. With the amount of care centers now increasing within the US, it is very feasible for any individual to go and get symptoms checked just in case. With something like the cold or flu it is always better to have yourself undergo a quick check up so that the symptoms do not grow into something worse. Keep yourself warm and be alert but enjoy your winters. 

