Our Services
License Applications
Applications for examination are screened to determine eligibility based on the education and experience of the applicant. Eligible candidates are scheduled to take the proper examination. Examinations are given at regular intervals depending on the profession.
Individuals who are already licensed in another state or country may apply for an Illinois license by endorsement from that state or country, or acceptance of that state’s examination. Applicants from other states or countries may not be required to pass an examination in Illinois if they meet requirements set forth in the professional licensing statutes and rules, such as proof of education, testing and experience.
Our application services include but are not limited to aiding the application process from start to finish, providing documentation pursuant to deficiency checklists, challenging notices to deny license applications and conducting hearings and application informal conferences.
Investigations by IDFPR
The disciplinary process begins when the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation becomes aware of a complaint against a license. Sources of complaints include members of the public, other licensees, law enforcement agencies, and other government agencies. Irregularities also are discovered by the Department during the course of routine enforcement activities including but not limited to violations of probation, renewal application issues and during investigations. Once reviewed, complaints are assigned to a Department investigator.
The investigator is responsible for determining if there has been a potential violation of a licensing law, or Department rules and regulations. After developing the facts in cases there appears to be a violation, the investigator refers the case to a prosecuting attorney. Our services cover the entire investigative process.
Our firm will communicate with the investigator on your behalf, advise you how to comply with the investigation and prepare you and accompany you in all investigative meetings required.
Disciplinary Hearings
In instances where a formal hearing is required, a formal complaint is filed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. On application and renewal cases a hearing is requested by the licensee within a certain time frame adopted by statute after the Department denies or refuses. The hearing is held before the respective professional board or committee and the Department administrative law judge. The hearing is an administrative law proceeding conducted pursuant to the Illinois Civil Administrative Code and other relevant statutes and rules.
Our services involve all stages of the Disciplinary Hearing, including but not limited to: reviewing and answering the formal complaint, appearing in court for all status hearings and pre-hearings, drafting motions and pleadings on your behalf, reviewing and providing discovery and preparing you for and conducting the hearing.
Administrative Appeals
After the hearing, the board or committee delivers to the Director its findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Disciplinary action may include termination of a license, revocation, suspension, probation, reprimand, and censure. The license may also be ordered to remain in good standing or an application/renewal be granted with no restrictions.
In addition, Illinois law allows for the imposition of fines for any professions regulated by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. When ordering disciplinary action, the Director often accepts the recommendation of the board or committee but is not required to do so. Following a final decision by the Director, the licensee has 35 days to make an appeal in circuit court under the Illinois Administrative Review Act.
Our services include all stages of your administrative review including but not limited to: filing a complaint for administrative review and all supporting briefs, appearing in chancery court for a Petition to Stay the Director’s Order and Arguing your appeal in chancery court. Our firm will also appeal all chancery decisions to higher court if necessary.
Contact us today.
Message us or call (312) 260-2292.