Mar 7, 2015
From a legal perspective, diversion of drugs is defined as the unlawful channeling of regulated pharmaceuticals, including the misuse of prescription medications Discovery of narcotic diversion in a hospital organization requires full disclosure to senior officials...
Mar 6, 2015
Certified Nurses Day is a national day to honor and recognize the important achievement of nursing specialty and subspecialty certification. Certification is a milestone of personal excellence along the professional journey. The American Nurses Credentialing Center...
Mar 5, 2015
Listed below you will find nursing predictions for 2015 based on Debra Wood's Article for nursezone.comNurses will take the lead in shaping the futureCollaboration will gain prominence in a variety of waysMore nurses will work in ambulatory settingsNurses will get...
Mar 5, 2015
The Affordable Care Act will increase health insurance coverage to 32 million Americans. Nurses represent the largest sector of all health professions, with more than 3 million registered nurses (RNs) in the United States. For 11 straight years nurses have ranked #1...
Feb 26, 2015
One of the newest articles posted on says, nursing leadership has no single definition. It has been characterized in relation to principles a nurse leader should strive for: commitment to excellence, focusing on employee satisfaction and building individual...