January 2010

  1. Registered Nurse – One year indefinite suspension due to drug diversion, falsifying statements related to the diversion, use of heroin and failure to complete rehab. 
  2. Registered Nurse – Indefinite probation after defaulting on loan. 
  3. Registered Nurse – Indefinite suspension for conviction of possession of controlled substances. 
  4. Registered Nurse – Indefinitely suspended for unprofessional conduct related to failure to maintain proper records. 
  5. Licensed Practical Nurse – Indefinitely suspended for a minimum of 6 months due to a felony conviction and unlawful possession of a controlled substance. 
  6. Licensed Practical Nurse – Placed in refuse to renew status for sleeping while on duty. 

February 2010

  1. Registered Nurse – Indefinite suspension for a minimum of 2 years due to improper conduct with a disabled person. 
  2. Registered Nurse – Reprimanded for failing to document administration of controlled substances to patients. 
  3.  Registered Nurse – Reprimanded for failure to document administration of medication. 
  4. Registered Nurse – Indefinite probation with work restrictions for a minimum of 3 years after diversion of controlled substances and for being under the influence of controlled substances. 
  5. Registered Nurse – Suspension one month followed by a 3 year minimum probation after self-reporting having pled guilty to aggravated battery, a class 3 felony. 
  6. Registered Nurse – Placed on indefinite probation with work restrictions for a minimum of one year due to a DUI conviction. 
  7. Registered Nurse – Indefinite probation with work restrictions for a minimum of 3 years after the nurse used a physician’s DEA number to procure prescriptions for vicodin for self-use. 

March 2010

  1. Registered Nurse – Automatically and indefinitely suspended for a minimum of 6 months for failure to comply with the terms of a consent order. 
  2. Registered Nurse – Indefinite probation for a minimum of 3 years after self-medicating for a degenerative disc disease with an expired medication prescribed for father. 
  3. Registered Nurse – Automatic suspension indefinite for 12 months for violation of probation by failure to submit toxicology screens and quarterly reports. 
  4. Registered Nurse – Probation for a minimum of 3 years due to a criminal history related to alcohol abuse. 
  5.  Registered Nurse – Automatic and definite suspension for a minimum of 12 months for failure to comply with the conditions of probation, namely submitting negative random toxicology screens. 
  6. Registered Nurse – Indefinite suspension for a period of 6 months due to criminal convictions and failure to report said convictions to the Department.