The following in an excerpt from the Illinois Nurse Practice Act, Section 50-50 about acts that are prohibited in nursing. 

(a) No person shall: 

  1. Practice as an advanced practice nurse without a valid license as an advanced practice nurse, except as provided in Section 50-15 of this Act;
  2. Practice professional nursing without a valid license as a registered professional nurse except as provided in Section 50-15 of this Act;
  3. Practice practical nursing without a valid license as a licensed practical nurse or practice practical nursing, except as provided in Section 50-15 of this Act;
  4. Practice nursing under cover of any diploma, license, or record illegally or fraudulently obtained or signed or issued unlawfully or under fraudulent representation;
  5. Practice nursing during the time her or his license is suspended, revoked, expired or on inactive status;
  6. Use any words, abbreviations, figures, letters, title, sign, card, or device tending to imply that she or he is a registered professional nurse, including the titles or initials, "Nurse," "Registered Nurse," "Professional Nurse," "Registered Professional Nurse," "Certified Nurse," "Trained Nurse," "Graduate Nurse," "P.N.," or "R.N.," or "R.P.N." or similar titles or initials with intention of indicating practice without a valid license as a registered professional nurse;
  7. Use any words, abbreviations, figures, letters, titles, signs, cards, or devices tending to imply that she or he is an advanced practice nurse, including the titles or initials "Advanced Practice Nurse", "A.P.N.", or similar titles or initials, with the intention of indicating practice as an advanced practice nurse without a valid license as an advanced practice nurse under this Act.
  8. Use any words, abbreviations figures, letters, title, sign, card, or device tending to imply that she or he is a licensed practical nurse including the titles or initials "Practical Nurse," "Licensed Practical Nurse," "P.N.," or "L.P.N.," or similar titles or initials with intention of indicated practice as a licensed practical nurse without a valid license as a licensed practical nurse under this Act;
  9. Advertise services regulated under this Act without including in every advertisement his or her title as it appears on the license or the initials authorized under this Act;
  10. Obtain or furnish a license by or for money or any other thing of value other than the fees required under this Act, or by any fraudulent representation or act;
  11. Make any wilfully false oath or affirmation required by this Act;
  12. Conduct a nursing education program preparing persons for licensure that has not been approved by the Department;
  13. Represent that any school or course is approved or accredited as a school or course for the education of registered professional nurses or licensed practical nurses unless such school or course is approved by the Department under the provisions of this Act;
  14. Attempt or offer to do any of the acts enumerated in this Section, or knowingly aid, abet, assist in the doing of any such acts or in the attempt or offer to do any of such acts;
  15. Employ persons not licensed under this Act to practice professional nursing or practical nursing; and
  16. Otherwise intentionally violate any provision of this Act. (17) Retaliate against any nurse who reports unsafe, unethical, or illegal health care practices or conditions.
  17. Be deemed a supervisor when delegating nursing activities or tasks as authorized under this Act. 

(b) Any person, including a firm, association or corporation who violates any provision of this Section shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.